Henry Fonda - A hobbyist who gave away away his jars of honey labeled Henry's Honey. As a youngster, her earned his Eagle Scout's merit badge for beekeeping.
Peter Fonda - Actor, activist and son of Henry Fonda, starred in Ulee's Gold, about a fictional Florida beekeeper.
Brigham Young - His interest in bees led to Utah being called the Beehive State with skep hives as emblems.
Leo Tolstoy - Mentions beekeeping in War and Peace, describing the evacuation of Moscow: "Moscow was empty. It was deserted as a dying, queenless hive is deserted."
Lord Baden Powell - Founder of the Boy Scouts in England.
Maria von Trapp - Kept bees on her Vermont Farm.
Martha Stewart - A beekeeper for over twenty-five years.
Sir Edmund Hillary - A commercial beekeeper from New Zealand before scaling Mount Everest.
Thomas Jefferson - Third president of the United States as a avid beekeeper.
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