Really enjoyed the first class. I ride to the course with my co-worker Jonathan. He and his wife, Brenda used to keep bees. With Becca back in Texas and Anna heading back to Michigan this spring, Jonathan will be taking over the hives at Hard Bargain Farm. Jonathan is so much fun and a wealth of information and practical experience!
No knowing what to expect at the first class, we found the room full of students and the folks at BUMBA are so much fun! Dave Polk of Free State Bees did a presentation of the parts of a hive, giving lots of tips on what you need to get started as well as what things you don't really need even though the catalogues try to convince you that you do! :-)
The talk on bee biology was extremely amusing as the presenter had a great speaking style but she also wore a bee costume which made for such fun! Did you know that bees will not 'go' while in the hive? I knew that bees are very tidy but I didn't give a thought to their 'potty' habits. They manage to hold it through the winter while clustered inside. Warmer late winter days will find the bees taking 'cleansing flights' to take care of 'those' needs.