Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Bees 5, Beekeeper 0

Peeked into the Dmitry hive to check on their progress and didn't bother with a veil as they've been so gentle, and I was only planning on a quick peek...

The second I picked up the top feeder I could see how feisty the bees have become and, while that's a really good sign, the feeder was full so I couldn't move fast enough to put it down. Those feisty bees got me - three times in my left arm and twice on my left thigh!

They're just about ready for the third box so will get that on this weekend. I had managed to escape from being stung all year until now. Guess I'm making up for lost opportunities.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Dmitry Queen Laying Well Once Again

Dmitry queen in center of frame.
The Dmitry queen returned to laying eggs immediately after putting the feeder on and now, two weeks later you can see she is doing quite well and the population is growing. I still have the entrance reducer on and am hopeful I'll be able to remove it soon. Will keep the feeder on as we're still quite dry with very little in bloom right now.

Good news on the OV hive: Found good brood on the first frame I pulled so didn't disturb them any further. I closed them up and walked away happy that these two hives are once again back on the road to progress.